Care Ministry
The CARE Committee’s primary mission is to share the love Jesus with our church family and friends whether at church or in their homes. Below you will see a list of opportunities to volunteer to serve others. Please contact the CARE Committee Coordinator letting her know what you would like to do and she will have the appropriate person contact you. We love volunteers so please don’t hesitate to let us know. If some area is full then you can be on the substitute list… some things never have too many volunteers! We look forward to hearing from you.
There are needs in our community and congregation. One way we are able to meet those is through Care Calendar. Each family has a specific code you will need to enter during the sign-up process*.

To sign-up to help individuals or families out with meals:
- Go to the Care Calendar website by:
a. Click on the Care Calendar logo above, or
b. Visit, - Type in the codes under “Logon to a calendar”
- Click on date that you can serve (in red)
- Fill in the “Helper Sign-up” section.
*Codes for families in need can be found through our Newsletter or you can contact the Church Office.
Please call the church office if you have any questions.
There are many areas where people can volunteer to help in this area.
- CARE Calendar – The Care Calendar is a means for people to sign up to bring a meal to someone who is newly home from the hospital or sick at home. The object is that by signing up on the CARE Calendar it helps the recipient to have a regular flow of meals rather than several at one time. See the Care Calendar information above for link and more information.
- Sunday Morning Snacks – Each Sunday morning volunteers sign up to bring snack items for the coffee/snack table. You can volunteer to bring items once a month or for a single time.
- Funeral Meals – When there is a funeral at the church the family is offered the opportunity to have a meal packed and ready to go after the funeral. As soon as the family wishes are known, the Meal Coordinator sends out an email to those who have volunteered to be a part of the food ministry listing the food items needed and when they are needed. During these events foods are needed but so are volunteers to help in collecting the food and packing it up for the family. These meals are always a blessing to all involved.
- Special Events – Frequently there are special events at the church where food items are needed. At those times requests are sent out to those having volunteered for the help with the food ministry.
The Coordinator for the Homebound ministry maintains a spreadsheet of all of our church family who are elderly and/or infirm and are homebound or in nursing homes. The Coordinator keeps the volunteers up-to-date by regularly sending out updates to the spreadsheet. She also informs the volunteers when the large-print devotionals are available, that they can take to them.
- Contacts – People are asked to volunteer to visit and/or send cards or notes to our homebound friends. We would like the volunteers to make regular visits and to inform the CARE Coordinator if they find things going on that the church needs to know.
- Meals – Once a month a meal is taken to the people who are homebound at home. This meal is accompanied by a visit. These meals are purchased from a local restaurant and are delivered on the third Saturday of the month.
- Lord’s Supper – Once a quarter the Elders take the Lord’s Supper to those who are homebound, whether at home or in a nursing home.
Whenever the church has an event in the Sanctuary we like to make sure each person is personally greeted and offered assistance where necessary: Volunteers are needed at each door.
- Door Greeters – People standing at each door welcoming each person with a warm word of greeting.
- Parking Lot Greeters – About a half hour before each service men are in the parking lot to greet everybody but particularly our visitors. When they encounter first time visitors they bring them into the church and introduce them to the Door Greeters who bring them to the Reception Desk. These Parking Lot Greeters also help people with children, packages or whatever whenever necessary.
- Reception Desk – The Reception Desk in the foyer is staffed prior to each service by volunteers who welcome new visitors and guide them in signing in and writing a name tag. The volunteer sometimes assists the volunteer in choosing a Sunday School class and takes them to the classroom and introduces them to the teacher or some other member of the class.
This committee assists people who are in need of short term financial assistance. They also help people who are needing help with home repair issues or help with their automobiles.
There are times when we host special event parties and decorators are always needed to help with setting up and decorating for the occasion. These special events include Easter, Anniversary, Christmas, etc.