Music Ministry

Singing and making music together as a church family is an essential part of worship. If you would like to participate in our music ministry we would love to have you. You don’t need to be an expert!
You could serve in one or more of these areas:
  • Choir (Adult and Children)
  • Worship Band (Adult and Youth)
  • Ensembles (Vocal and Instrumental)
  • Soloists (Vocal and Instrumental)
  • Audio/Visual (Adult and Youth)
If you feel called to serve in our music ministry or if you would just like to learn more, please contact Allen Jones, our music director at


When we gather as the church, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, we sing to the Lord
and to each other. We have a tool to help us come together being prepared to worship,
our CPC YouTube playlist. By listening to the songs for the upcoming Sunday we can
“warm up” as a whole-church choir and walk in the doors to the worship center on
Sunday morning ready to worship through our songs. Would you spend a few minutes
listening a couple of times this week, engaging in personal worship to be ready to join in
our corporate worship this Sunday?

– Allen