Student Ministry

ReFormed Ministry is our program serving students in 7th-12th grades.
The primary purpose of ReFormed is to help parents raise their children in the instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). Instead of replacing the disciple-making efforts of parents, we exist to supplement them!
We orient the ministry around three building blocks:
- Attract: We make gatherings fun for churched and unchurched students.
- Build: We teach God’s word so that students turn to Christ and become more like him.
- Send: We give students opportunities to serve one another as well as others in our community.

We gather as a large group on Sunday nights from 5-7 p.m. On a typical night, we start with a large group activity, hear a 15-20 teaching from God’s word, and then enjoy fellowship/snacks. Students usually stay after just to hang out or to play basketball/volleyball.
During the school year, we gather for small group Bible studies on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8 p.m. We begin by hanging out/enjoying a dessert and then we study God’s word. In our study, we focus on the main point of each passage and how it should affect our lives.
After the main service, junior high and high school students have the opportunity for further discipleship. Students enjoy cookies/donuts before participating in a fun, interactive lesson.