We seek to engage women in all walks of life by equipping them to whole-heartedly serve Christ and advance His Kingdom through education, discipleship, fellowship, and mercy ministry. We offer several Bible studies each semester as well as opportunities to fellowship and serve both as women and as a part of the greater CPC family.
We have a place at the table for you! Please contact the church office for more information on how you can become connected with our ministry.
Women’s Spring Fellowship
We’re excited to announce that plans are underway for a Women’s Fellowship. It will be on March 29th, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Come and be encouraged by hearing from the Word of God together. We will share a light brunch in a relaxing, casual atmosphere. Mark your calendars and plan to come!
Contact Laura Hunt for more information.

2025 CPC Women’s Bible Studies
More Information coming soon!
Ladies Night Out
We hope you can drop in for a Ladies’ Night Out!
The next LNO is planned for March 25th, 6:00 p.m. at 518 Smokehouse. Contact Fran Ricks to make your reservation at (803) 528-3222. After that, the next LNO will be May 15th.
This is an informal time to get to know others in the church. We pray together, share a verse or two after the blessing, then chat the night away. Contact Fran Ricks to sign up.
For more information, please contact the church office at secretary@chapinpres.com.